Story behind the Stories

Ok, so what is the grand purpose of this blog, truth is I don't give two plates of fuckry sauted in ass sweat what anyone really does with this. This is my own personal project to satisfy my daily fix. Maybe I just like the rush of posting tiny bits and pieces of my life on here for your own personal amusement. Sure, it would be great if that was actually the goal of this blog.

Wouldn't it be nice if I just talked about my sex life and spewed something scandalous for the folks that stumble upon in my blog or just happen to pass by thanks to my persistent self promotion for my own self serving means. Cyeah, this is not one of those blogs. Hmm I guess I could get more views with a cute face, a vagina, a pair of fake fun bags and tell you about my day so you could fantasize about what you and I would do. Mmmmm.... but that's not me, I was blessed with a Y chromosome.

No, this is just a blog that I'm going to post a short story on hopefully everyday granted I have access to the internet. These stories will be whatever lil idea I can conjure in my cauldron and will be scifi, literary and may be as short as 5 pages -30 depending on my mood. I'm learning and I'm not a professional writer so forgive my grammatical mistakes.

I just want to put out my creativity no matter how bad or unoriginal they may be. I may just get better at the end of this journey. Also I'm starting a new diet and workout so... check me out. I'll try to be as consistent as I'm able to.


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